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Monday, October 03, 2005



*snigger* Gee, Wendy, you shouldn't have been moving all those heavy boxes in your delicate condition...

When I first saw your diagram and saw "Hilari's Homespun" I thought, wow, that's a big pile for a beginner in one afternoon! Hee!

We must do it again soon! And hey, was that a mysterious husband taking that photo?


Yes, Heidi, you missed meeting the elusive Jason. He's so tall and gingery, and you should have heard his keystroke rate. It sounded like someone f---g around trying to break a keyboard, just a blur of clacking plastic.

"rather speedy departure" Yeah, I don't know what's up with me but that seems to be my style and I don't know why. Suddenly, I look at the time, and miss my messy little home terribly, and get the heel out of Dodge. Haven't a clue why though, I'm sorry it seems so abrupt.

Maybe I was afraid you were going to make me take all those oddballs back home with me ;)


They are all piled up in that basket, so I'm trying to figure out what to do with all that yarn lol.


Thanks for hosting the shindig, I had fun. :-)

And hey, at least I took a couple of things home!


Looks like it was a fun time!! I miss you guys so much. The knitting group here is nice, they meet on Monday mornings at a cool cafe in "old edna". dunno why they call it old, everything around there is old. hugs!!

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