Anyone who's known me for any length of time knows that I am not horticulturally talented. In fact, a certain Mr. Bird has offered in the past to buy me plastic plants - just to save another plant from a lengthy and painful death. Its not for lack of trying, its more for over watering, and sometimes for absentmindedness - and discovering a long forgotten plant and finding it this dry husk.
This year though - inspired by Heidi, Wendy and Crissy - I've attempted to rehabilitate my black thumb, and I think I can fairly say its now just a yellowish one.
These lovely gems are some VF100 hybrid cherry tomatoes - they have some built in resistance to typical tomato problems. No blossom end rot here baby! They are tasty too - the only problem is that they arent ripening all at the same time so once or twice a week I get to harvest a cherry tomato - cut it in half and sprinkle a smidge of salt and share with Mr. Bird. He agrees that they are quite tasty. These are growing in some container boxes on top of a table on the side of my house. Kind of nice to have them elevated and I dont have to root around on my hands and knees.
I may germinate a few more of these tomatoes and add a few more planter boxes.
I love the way the tomato plants smell in the warm.
Pretty, pretty.
Posted by: spaazlicious | Monday, August 28, 2006 at 12:36 PM
Ah...I will vicariously enjoy them, as all mine died of a fungus. Good thinking with planting the resistant variety!
Posted by: Cristina (CrissyPo) | Monday, August 28, 2006 at 04:57 PM
Pretty pretty tomatoes! Mine are still struggling, and trying to turn red and orange.
Posted by: Heidi | Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 11:01 AM
This is the first year of red tomatoes for me, too. But I blame it on the climate.
Posted by: Li_B | Friday, September 01, 2006 at 03:43 PM