Don't get me wrong - I love to travel. The excitement of landing and getting off the plane and knowing you have a few days to explore never fails to thrill me. I've done a fair bit of traveling, and enjoy the wandering around with a map and a camera.
This time though the trip was not entirely my own. Business trips lack the spontaneity of vacations, and my days were filled with lectures about the knitty gritty of windows internals. If you ever wanted to know how to debug crash dumps (aka the blue screen of death) or know how applications run and processes are created and destroyed - this is the class for you. It was a little intimidating - I was one of 4 women out of about 180 men - The power of the pussy represent! The first event I've been to where there's no line for the ladies room. That part rocked.
Everytime I go to San Francisco - I wish that San Diego had such a great public transportation system. The combination of the BART and MUNI buses - we managed to go all over the place. Even to the East Bay (San Ramon) for dinner with Mr. Bird's brother's family. There were a lot of homeless people which was sad. I saw a few girls, that um.. weren't girls. The food was fantastic - San Francisco has no shortage of amazing places to eat, and I can see how people stay in shape by doing so much walking. We easily racked up over 20 miles over the week of walking.
Nothing is quite like being able to nestle deep into your own bed though.
Welcome home!
Posted by: spaazlicious | Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 08:00 AM
I love the quality of light of that cityscape photo--it almost looks like it was take 30 years ago!
And yeah, as a patron of San Diego's public transit system, I can say we'll never live up to the SF system. Though I've never seen people carrying live poultry on the SD system like I have in the Bay Area.
Posted by: Heidi | Monday, September 25, 2006 at 09:57 AM