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Monday, December 11, 2006



If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have known there was a mistake. Naw, I wouldn't rip it either. What are you going to do with all those ends? Ugh!


What a nice gift! How strange about the dog lady!! Your cardi is going to be beautiful - and I wouldn't have ripped it either! I'm sure no one will know but you.


I'd be upset if you ripped--Sophie wouldn't ever know! I'm going to have to make her a dress to wear with it, so she looks like a little English baby, all Lucy Pevensie style.

The spa trip sounds fabulous, despite the long drive.


Huh, doesn't sound like the hotel people have been out to see her, as there's no shortage of shi-shi groomers with swank setups in Napa.

Such a cute cardi! I'll bet only you can spot the boo-boo, I know I certainly can't.


Beautiful! I can't spot the mistake, but I woudn't rip either. You could duplicate stitch over it if you want.

Cristina (CrissyPo)

Make sure you keep those socks away from that dog (you know the one I speak of ;)


I found the mistake! I found the mistake! Do I get a prize? No? Oh well, I was lying anyway - there's no mistake! Unless the mistake is that it is too, too cute?


Congratulations winning the SKC KAL! The cardi is very cute, are you going to fess up w/ what the "mistake" is? Nobody can really tell... That's quite the contrast between shi shi and chain saw! My bro has a boxer and yours reminds me of his, they are funny creatures! (I am the other KAL winner!) contrats to us!


I was at the same resort at the same time! We were at Vino Bello which was the time share portion of the resort. Nice place! What wineries did you go to???

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