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« So.. tie.tiie... | Main | Gimme a little mouth »

Monday, March 26, 2007



That sounds sad...I feel for you. My sis had snakes gowing up and we used to have a lizard in the office. It's a strange thing to have pets that feed on other animals. I'd say just wait until there is no possibility that they hadn't expired. You did the courageous thing to make sure they didn't suffer needlessly.



I had to freeze a goldfish once. I had to research for a while, and really, the freezer is the best option for us non-vets although people who aren't "in the know" look at you like you're crazy/evil.


I think that there is a lesson here. No crickets until you've finished your mice. No, really, it's good that you can feel compassion for even little beings. It's a hard situation.


I can't answer your question, but I'm glad that you didn't leave them in there. This is why I'm glad my pets are vegetarian ;)


Oh dear. Poor thing. I would have done the same thing. I used to work at a museum in the Live Animal section and we got all of our "food" from the freezer like this. The snakes ate them just fine.




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